Jerome Hughes
Jerome Hughes
Tel: 020 72373788
Jerome became a trustee at the Salmon Youth Centre due to his admiration for its history and commitment to young people. He aims to support, advise, and leverage his experience to enhance the charity’s sustainability.
Raised in South London, he lives with his wife and two children. Jerome holds a Sports Science and Community Sports Coaching Degree and has over 17 years of experience in youth work. He has served as a Camp Counsellor in the United States and was honoured to be the inaugural Head of Service for the £6.5 million Legacy Youth Zone in Croydon.
His expertise includes organisational strategy, youth work, and youth engagement, with a focus on detached and outreach initiatives, universal provisions, early help programms, school outreach, mentoring, community sports, employability schemes, gang intervention, youth advocacy, county lines, and serious youth violence. Jerome has also held roles as a director, school governor, trustee, and fostering agency panel member. Currently, he serves as Head of Youth Work for South (Lambeth and Southwark) at XLP, and he is a fan of Batman and Manchester United.