Newsletter // Nov 2021


Another jam-packed month here at Salmon, including fundraising, exhibitions, hellos and goodbyes.

Here are some of the things that have been going on at Salmon and any information we feel you may benefit from knowing ahead of the coming month...

Celebrations & Updates.

– Teqball Taster: This month we had an exhibition team from the Eleven Campaign, an organisation seeking well-being through sport, and Southampton Teqball, come in to lead a taster session for our 11-16’s. Teqball in short is football volleyball played on a purposed-built table. Salmon is the only centre in the UK to have one of these tables. Our young people had a lot of fun getting to grips with the sport so named because of it’s high technical demands, and they fared very well considering.

– Hey Cam!: We recently welcomed Cameron onto our team as an apprentice. Many of you may know Cameron’s face already as he has been a member of Salmon for a lot of his childhood years. We caught up with him to chat about his thoughts on this new season and you can see the video below.


– Sad farewells: This month we say goodbye to Atlanta, our receptionist and Fefe, one of our apprentices (both pictured right). Fefe is moving on to start a full-time post in a local school and Atlanta has moved onto a full-time post as a receptionist which they are both really looking forward to! We are delighted for them both and would like to thank them for all their hard work and efforts over their time with us. We wish them all the best for the future!


The Clothworkers Company have generously named Salmon as their charity of choice for this year’s fundraising efforts. They will match any donation you make so we would love you to give generously to support the work that we do.

Thanks to all those at the Clothworkers’ Company for their generosity.

Click the following link to support:


We are recruiting for a receptionist post and we also have a number of opportunities to join us as an apprentice.

The deadline for all applications is the 27th January 2022.

If you know anyone who might be interested then email Jamie, link below.

Jamie Anglesea

Get in touch

Upcoming Events.

14th December 2021 – Salmon Celebration – An evening dedicated to celebrating the achievements of all our young people. Includes presentations and live performances.

17th December 2021 – Clubs finish for Christmas.

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